
Fashion plus brand, business and beauty.

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Meet your hosts

Maddison Sullivan-Thorpe

Maddison is a Senior Marketing Manager, specialising in brand. She runs a popular series called ‘Sales Fairy’ on her socials, and over the last year has emerged as one of the eminent voices in the fashion and beauty space. (Yes, you recognise her from TikTok.)

Anika Joshi-Smith

Anika is the Founder and Director of Sage Agency, which assists fashion brands launch into global markets (we promise she explains what this actually is on the show). She has over a decade of experience in the fashion industry.

Joanna Fleming

Jo is a content, beauty and skincare expert. On top of being a dermal therapist and seasoned podcaster, she also formerly led the social and content channels for a major beauty retailer. She will be telling you to wear your sunscreen.

Meet the audience

Average Age

18-21: 5%
22-24: 13%
25-29: 46%
30-34: 26%
35-39: 7%
40+: 3%


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0 %
NSW: 25%
VIC: 41%
QLD: 10%
WA: 10%
SA: 8%
ACT: 4%
TAS: 2%
NT: 0%
Other: 0%


0 %

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